If you don’t govern your data then you may be engaging in unethical behaviour.

Data governance has a bad reputation for being conceptual mostly because organisations struggle with operationalising governance to achieve tangible improvements in the quality of their data. This view is inaccurate to say the least!

When we talk about data being “bad”, generally speaking, this is because it is either inconsistent, out of date, undefined or doesn’t exist. Here’s the bad news, it’s hardly ever because of the technology. While some issues maybe technical in nature, they are usually a result of lack of clear definitions, robust business processes, siloed working, or unavailability of structured data models. Data governance helps by getting things under control. It forces organisations to structure their data activities, removing the wastage and chaos. This includes assigning appropriate accountability for the data estate & data management activities. Simply it is about defining WHO should do WHAT with WHICH data.

Apart from being a core element of ensuring ethical data practices, here are some of the other benefits of implementing data governance:

1. Ensuring data & products are fit for purpose

2. Prioritising resources (especially where they are limited)

3. Helping organisations identify & achieve return on investment (ROI)

To read more about data governance we recommend that you consider reading DAMA’s DM-BOK2. In the meantime, here’s a little more light reading on governance. If you want to know more then please reach out to us.